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Specialist Teacher

Specialist Teacher

Yoyo Guo
Yoyo Guo
School Librarian
  • Yoyo Guo has over 10 years of experience working in international school libraries. She joined ISA Tianhe in 2015 and is one of the founding members of the school. The library is the heart of the school, and Yoyo has created a library that allows students and teachers to use the resources and space for teaching and learning, enhance students' interest in reading, and develop their reading hobby.
  • She has a knack for using the different student's personalities to engage the classroom and make it truly fun for the students to read. Yoyo is actively involved in teaching and library workshops outside of work, and she believes that only by becoming a lifelong learner herself, and then she can inspire and motivate more students and others to become lifelong learners.