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Chinese Language Teacher

Jessie He
Jessie He
Chinese Language Teacher
  • Jessie is passionate about teaching. She worked in the international department of bilingual schools in China and has rich experience in teaching mother tongue and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. She has won awards in the Excellent Teaching Case Competition, the International Chinese Course Competition for Primary and Secondary Schools, and the High-quality Course Competition for Young Teachers. She has also published educational papers in national journals and holds certificates such as the International Chinese Language Teacher Certificate and the Positive Discipline Educator Certificate.
  • In order to better understand the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), she participated in the training of IB PYP courses in East China Normal University. In addition, Jessie also follows a rigorous and scientific teaching philosophy, and her teaching style is also loved by children. She believes that sincerity is the key to unlocking students, and teaching according to their aptitude can achieve good results.